
Do I NEED an attorney for my Illinois real estate closing?

When it comes to buying and selling property, Illinois is considered an "attorney state." Lawyers participate in the real estate sale process as a matter of custom and practice. But there are no laws or ordinances that require a buyer or seller to use oneThat said, there are certain things that only a lawyer can do for you. There are also elements of the transaction that only a lawyer should do for you.

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  16986 Hits

What are the seller’s typical closing costs?

Selling a home in the Chicago area (or really anywhere), should be easy enough: buyer gives seller money, seller gives buyer keys and a deed. Oh, if only it were that simple

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  1992 Hits

The awful truth about my first real estate closing

It was summer of 1991. The sun beat down on my un-airconditioned car as I composed myself. After four years as a trial lawyer, I was walking blindly into my first real estate closing.

My boss gave me no notice. No briefing. No training. The ‘file’ was a crumpled copy of the purchase contract that he tossed at me as he said, “This is the buyer’s first home and the most important thing in his life right now. He is also my car mechanic. That makes it important to me too.”

Sure, I studied real estate in law school, but that was four years earlier.
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  5573 Hits

A bathroom mirror is a fixture in a home—or is it?

My phone rings. It’s Amanda, a client in the last steps of buying a house with her husband James. She’s calling as they take the final walk-through before the closing the next day. I hear the upset in her voice as she tells me,

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