
In the news: Investing in Chicago's gentrifying neighborhoods

Chicago is an ever-changing demographic kaleidoscope. Ethnic migrations, land-use transformations, and varying degrees of economic prosperity all stir the real estate pot and eventually touch every corner of the city.

So, how does a home buyer or real estate investor know where to find the best opportunities for property appreciation in Chicago?
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Post-closing privacy for Chicago-area home buyers: Limiting access to your private data

We all expect a measure of privacy in our homes. But, in the information age, privacy is no longer a given. In fact, there is a lot of easily acquired information online, particularly after a real estate purchase.

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  2825 Hits

Brokers, what if you're not ready for the 2025 real estate contract updates?

The new CAR contract updates and the 8.0 are here! But, from what I hear, training has been uneven for real estate brokers

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  278 Hits

Can I buy real estate without a broker?

The real estate industry is always shifting and evolving. Recently, lawsuits against the National Association of Realtors and national brokerages have resulted in new commission structures for many real estate brokers....and many questions from clients.

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  976 Hits

Pros and cons of post-closing possession

Thanks to a continued low inventory of homes for sale in the Chicago area, our firm expects that 2023 and 2024 will bring multiple offers, when sellers gets competing offers from multiple buyers. This can inspire buyers to get creative with their offers—including offering post-closing possession.  What is post-closing posse...

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  9436 Hits

NEW ADDRESS: 1 N. State Street

We're on the move! On August 28, 2023, our law firm moves to the corner of State and Madison, the center of all Chicago addresses.

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  1149 Hits

New for 2023! Illinois smoke detector law

As of New Year's Day, all smoke detectors in residential dwelling units must be...

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  2091 Hits

They Asked for What?

A pervasive problem for some in contemporary society splits us into two camps. They read the same things you do. They take wildly different views of what those writings mean. They are not easily persuaded by reason or the advice of experts. They acknowledge legal obligations, but still want to “do their own thing,” often to the detriment of others they engage with.  

You know who I am talking about...
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  1635 Hits

Naming Names (should brokers list an attorney on the client's contract?)


I'm talking about naming names on purchase and sale contracts. The standard forms give you room to identify the deal participants – buyer and seller, natch. Yourselves. The lender. The homeowners' association. And yes, us lawyers too.

Adding the lawyers' name lets us all
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  1603 Hits

Brokers, when clients ask about the new title company disclosures...

Here’s an important update for real estate brokers. 

As of March 1, 2022, there will be a change in the Disclosure of Financial Interest form that Illinois title insurance producers (sellers’ lawyers, some brokerages, etc.) must provide to consumers as they contemplate title insurance. These ‘producers’ include our firm. 

The new disclosure form will:
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  2533 Hits

In the news: Relief for the mortgage biz during shutdown

By Michael Wasserman

Whew. Real estate buyers, sellers and professionals all exhaled with relief last Friday. After lobbying from the mortgage industry, the Treasury Department has deemed Internal Revenue Service clerks (who process lending forms) as "essential" employees. Which means they can get back to
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  3085 Hits

Avoiding drama at the final walk through

In real estate, one would think a final pre-closing walk through is pretty straightforward: Is the house still standing? Are the sellers belongings removed? Are the shower heads and appliances still in place? Are there new holes in the walls or broken windows? Yet our law firm sees SO MUCH 11th hour drama!
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  6059 Hits