
Buyers and sellers: new lending guidelines (and what to do about them)

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have both made significant changes to their guidelines for approving loans in condominiums and co-ops. This is a real game changer for buyers and sellers alikeLenders must follow these guidelines in order for loans to be guaranteed in secondary (investor) markets. Loan-originating companies only want to grant mortgages if they can be resold on those secondary markets. Many approvals will be harder to come by. 

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Do I NEED an attorney for my Illinois real estate closing?

When it comes to buying and selling property, Illinois is considered an "attorney state." Lawyers participate in the real estate sale process as a matter of custom and practice. But there are no laws or ordinances that require a buyer or seller to use oneThat said, there are certain things that only a lawyer can do for you. There are also elements of the transaction that only a lawyer should do for you.

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Timing your last mortgage payment before closing

When should you make your last mortgage payment? When you're selling your home, it's a detail you might overlook or even overthink. So read on for helpful information about the payoff process and the timing of your last payment before you close your sale.

TL/DR; The timing of the last payment depends on the date of the closing and the seller's mortgage terms. In general, we recommend sellers make the final payment 7 days before closing. But don't sweat it, if you overpay, lenders are required to pay any overages back within 30 days.

Keep reading to see how our firm helps sellers manage this important detail for clients.

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Selling as-is? The buyers may still ask for concessions

Selling a home as-is should be fairly straightforward. The seller doesn't want to make any repairs or changes and the buyer understands this when they make their offer. However, the reality can be very different.

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  1792 Hits

Do you need a lawyer to transfer a title?

A quitclaim deed is a quick way to transfer the property title. And in Illinois, a lawyer is not required to complete one, you can do it yourself. That said, hiring an experienced lawyer to execute a quitclaim can prevent expensive mistakes, like this.

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  1666 Hits

What are the seller’s typical closing costs?

Selling a home in the Chicago area (or really anywhere), should be easy enough: buyer gives seller money, seller gives buyer keys and a deed. Oh, if only it were that simple

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Pros and cons of post-closing possession

Thanks to a continued low inventory of homes for sale in the Chicago area, our firm expects that 2023 and 2024 will bring multiple offers, when sellers gets competing offers from multiple buyers. This can inspire buyers to get creative with their offers—including offering post-closing possession.  What is post-closing posse...

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  9438 Hits

NEW ADDRESS: 1 N. State Street

We're on the move! On August 28, 2023, our law firm moves to the corner of State and Madison, the center of all Chicago addresses.

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New for 2023! Illinois smoke detector law

As of New Year's Day, all smoke detectors in residential dwelling units must be...

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A bathroom mirror is a fixture in a home—or is it?

My phone rings. It’s Amanda, a client in the last steps of buying a house with her husband James. She’s calling as they take the final walk-through before the closing the next day. I hear the upset in her voice as she tells me,

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  4106 Hits

In the news: Relief for the mortgage biz during shutdown

By Michael Wasserman

Whew. Real estate buyers, sellers and professionals all exhaled with relief last Friday. After lobbying from the mortgage industry, the Treasury Department has deemed Internal Revenue Service clerks (who process lending forms) as "essential" employees. Which means they can get back to
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  3085 Hits